(sotto voce)

In the iridescent dust of monarch’s wing
and secret places of my brokenness

In the turquoise ring encircling gannet’s eye
and secret places of my brokenness

In the frost’s filigrees that edge the alder leaves
and secret places of my brokenness

In slim filament of spider’s fragile weave
and secret places of my brokenness

In the glide of snail along the lilting stalk
and secret places of my brokenness

In spotted ensatina’s slide between the rocks
and secret places of my brokenness

In cypress shadow’s fall in darkening bog
and secret places of my brokenness

In slow peep of dawn that breaches vernal fog
and secret places of my brokenness

In miniscule grain of sand that seeds the pearl
and secret places of my brokenness

In deep yellow bruise that stains the wind-bent reed
and secret places of my brokenness

In all of these things, in all of them, in all
when I lie quiet I hear your still voice call.