by Paraclete Press | Feb 12, 2017 | Promise, Silence, Terms of Heart, Vision
In the first part of this series I mentioned the “acrostic pattern” and “intricate architecture” of this magnificent poem. Those passing references were insufficient to convey the importance of structure, however. Understanding it, and the purposeful complexity of...
by Paraclete Press | Oct 26, 2015 | Covenant, Terms of Heart, Vision
In this Part Two of the Heart of Blessing we begin looking at the second of the alls Psalm 103 presents, namely the all of the character and nature of the God of Israel. Surely David understood as well as any man that no language can fully convey what the human mind...
by Paraclete Press | Oct 13, 2015 | Covenant, Terms of Heart, Vision
Psalm 103 is surely one of the most familiar of all the psalms and its opening line often quoted or adapted in prayer, sermon and song. The majority of the standard English texts over the centuries– from the King James to the recent English Standard Version and...
by Paraclete Press | Aug 16, 2015 | Covenant, Law, Vision
What might foxes have to do with faith? I have been contemplating that strange question lately, and I believe the answer is “quite a bit.” All last week, no matter where I turned, it seemed that I was encountering foxes. For the most part, they were those...
by Paraclete Press | Jul 4, 2015 | Law, Terms of Heart, Vision
Yesterday I awoke with the opening line of Randall Thompson’s great choral work The Testament of Freedom playing in my head. It begins “The God who gave us life gave us liberty at the same time.” The words of that hymn were not Thompson’s. He lifted them from A...
by Paraclete Press | May 31, 2015 | Terms of Heart, Vision
My May 25 post ended by suggesting we should regard the psalms as a worship (and prayer and praise) guide. So let’s return to Psalm 27 for direction. We looked briefly at that psalm in Knowing God by Heart as we examined the significance of David’s use of the name...